How Much Does Facebook Pay for Views? 2022

Do views on Facebook have a cost? Yes, you can monetize your videos on Facebook just like you can on other social media sites.

The next thing you might want to know in light of this information is what percentage of Facebook videos are worth their total number of views.

By reading this page, you can learn everything you need to know about how much money you can make from Facebook videos.

Since there are many variables at play when determining the worth of your videos, it may be difficult to give a clear answer to the question of how much you can make from your Facebook video.

A video’s number of views on your page is only one factor in determining how much money you make on Facebook. Other factors also come into play.

You must educate yourself on everything that can affect the monetary value of a posted video if you want a good response to the question of how much Facebook pays for views.

If Facebook paid each user who uploaded a video a set sum based on how many views they received, given the community’s membership statistics, they would undoubtedly go bankrupt.

In order to give users the additional benefit of monetizing their video content, a structure has been put in place.

This means that in order for your video to be monetized, both you as a Facebook user and your account must be eligible. Let’s take a closer look at the conditions for video monetization below.

Requirements for Getting Paid for Videos Views on Facebook

Before you can get paid for the views on a particular video, there are a few requirements that must be fulfilled by your page and the video is posted.

Below is a brief summary of this.

Profile Details of the User

A Facebook account’s eligibility to monetize its video depends on information about the account’s owner.

The owner of an account must fulfill two requirements before continuing.


A fundamental prerequisite for receiving payment for a video on Facebook is that the account holder must be at least 18 years old before their account has any chance of making money off of videos.


An account’s residence must be one of the regions that are permitted to monetize videos. You can find out if in-stream advertising is allowed in your nation. While many places do, some don’t.

The Credibility of the Page

There are many Facebook users who, in terms of their age and place of residence, are eligible for monetization.

However, that does not qualify them to receive payment for people watching their videos on Facebook.

There are other requirements that have to be met by a page for it to be termed “credible”.

Followership Base

To establish your legitimacy on Facebook, you need a sizable fan base. As a vote of confidence for your page, please accept this.

Facebook demands that you have a minimum of 10,000 followers.

Activities on the Page

For your page to be eligible for video monetization, it must also have an additional requirement of 10,000 followers. You must have watched a minimum of 600,000 minutes of videos in the past 60 days.

This indicates that every minute viewers of your videos (live, post-live, on-demand, etc.) have viewed them, you have received that amount of views.) in a duration of 60 days put together should be up to 600,000.

The type of activities you engage in on your page must also be compliant with the community’s rules.

Videos Generated on the Page

The Page must contain current videos. 5 original videos at the very least are required for this.

Content of the Video

After the legitimacy of the page has been established, the main factor in video monetization on Facebook is the video’s content.

The financial value of the video will be impacted by this. The video first needs to adhere to Facebook’s community’s content guidelines.

Adult content that features a lot of nudity, abusive content, political content, etc. does not stand a chance at monetization.

Original and viewer-friendly videos are more likely to be used in advertisements. This will consequently have an impact on how much money you can make from a particular video.

How Much Does Facebook Pay for Views?

Facebook announced that it would assist content creators in producing and generating revenue from their work. With this update, creators will be able to monetize their live streams and uploaded videos.

Facebook’s update will enable users to create short forms and live videos, according to some users. It’s an effort to take on TikTok, the leader in another major video streaming market.

You can make an average of $8.75 for every 1000 views with the Facebook ad program.

Things to Note About How Much Facebook Pays for Views

  • The amount of copyrighted content in your video content will have an impact on how much money you make from that video. This is because you’ll have to pay royalties, which could reduce your profits.
  • If there is a dispute over ownership of a video you posted, your payout may be postponed. Facebook will have to review this, and if the claim is rejected, your payment will be updated to your account.
  • It’s possible that your monthly income isn’t exactly the same as your daily income. The amount you have left over at the end of a month can vary depending on a variety of factors. For example, a copyright claim could have a negative impact on your returns until it is resolved, while a payout carry over into the following month could have a positive impact.
  • The amount of money your video will bring in will depend on its quality, how many advertisements it contains, and whose ads they are.

What Are the Ways to Monetize on Facebook?

You can monetize content on Facebook in a variety of ways. Here’re the following ways,

Facebook ads

In-Stream Ads

The first step in using the platform to make money is to get your page approved for ad breaks. Below are the steps to help you begin your journey:

Apply for approval of your Facebook page…

You can configure and control your Facebook ad breaks from Facebook Creator Studio. Here are the processes:

  • Select the page that meets the criteria for monetization to get started.
  • In the left navigation, select the Monetization tab. Review the monetization terms and conditions briefly and agree to them.
  • Select a payment account and the way you prefer to receive your earnings.
  • As a creator, you have the option to enable automatic ad placement in your recently published videos.
  • Once you are done, finalize your page setup

As long as you haven’t violated any of Facebook’s rules, the approval process for ads usually happens quickly.

Place Facebook Ad Breaks Where You Want Them In Your Content…

An advertisement that appears on your content at the page or video level can be placed anywhere you like as the creator. This can be configured both during the initial monetization configuration and later in the settings.

With this, you can manually control placements to specify exactly where you want the ads to appear. Simply check the box to instruct Facebook to insert 10-second ad breaks to use this.

Alternatively, you could just let Facebook automatically insert ads during breaks in your content. Both options are excellent, but I tend to prefer the automatic method. give you a thing to worry about less!

Create Content That Is Designed To Be Monetized By Facebook Ad Breaks…

Facebook will automatically submit every piece of video content you post there for content review if you select the page-level monetization option. The review procedure typically begins as soon as video content is published, and you might even receive a small amount of money while it is still being reviewed.

Facebook places a premium on best-performing or higher “velocity” videos. This implies that it will have the opportunity to assess these kinds of content first, with the number of views it receives in the first few minutes after publication serving as a gauge of how well it is performing.

For instance, Facebook will view your content as performing if it receives more than 30 views in the first 10 minutes. On the other hand, it is considered to be less performing if your video content takes around 30 minutes to reach a comparable view count. The implication of this is that your initial video will be given preference for review over the underperforming one.

Facebook explicitly states that the review process for each video may take up to 48 hours, but most of the time it goes much more quickly. Each video’s progress can be followed on the Ad Breaks tab during the process. Each video is properly labeled following the review process, and you learn if your content is acceptable.

On the offset that your content gets labeled as “Limited/No Monetization,” each creator has the opportunity to launch a one-time appeal. Always keep in mind that not all 3-minute videos will meet the requirements for monetization before rushing off to appeal.

It is therefore best to fully comprehend the Facebook Content Monetization Policies and incorporate them into your strategy for creating video content.

Fan Subscriptions

Facebook followers

Promoting other people’s businesses is not something that many people will enjoy. If this describes you, there is still a way for you to profit from your Facebook views. Facebook gives creators the option to make their pages subscription-ready.

This is a play straight out of the Patreon playbook, so beware! You can hide some of your content behind a paywall on Facebook.

In other words, if you have a sizable fan base that frequently interacts with your content, you get to profit from their dedication. You now have the option to distinguish between regular followers and paying subscribers, giving you the chance to generate income.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that when using subscription-based monetization, balance is key. You must now satisfy the wants of your loyal followers by giving them interesting content.

Also, you’ll have to create something “extra” for your subscribers. This can be any kind of exclusive content, including behind-the-scenes material, posts that are only available to subscribers, and Q&As that are only available to supporters.

Keep in mind that your goal should be to continue producing fantastic regular content while also producing unique content for your subscribers.

Allow direct communication with your paying followers and take their input into account when deciding what kind of content to post on your page.

The Procedure Is As Follows:

You are free to set a fixed price for fan subscriptions, as was already mentioned. Additionally, Facebook doesn’t charge you anything to monetize your view in this way.

As opposed to the App Store, where a 30% fee is charged by the mobile provider, 100% of your money will be returned to you for online transactions.

To put things into perspective, think about how Patreon, YouTube, and Twitch all charge 5%, 30%, and 50% of all the revenue you receive from subscribers, respectively.

When it comes to its Fan Subscriptions model, Facebook is undoubtedly giving its content producers a great deal.

You must be wondering by this point whether there are specific regulations or rules to follow when using this method of view monetization.

The short answer is yes, but there are conditions you must satisfy before you can make your Facebook page’s subscription feature available. Such requirements for Fan Subscription include:

  • Your page must be compliant with the Facebook Monetization Standards, Fan Funding Creator Terms, as well as App Store Guidelines for Subscriptions
  • Have at least 10,000 followers or more than 250 return views, in combination with any of the following
  • More than 50,000 post engagements in the past 60 days
  • Must exceed 180,000 minutes of watch time in the past 60 days

If you’re not sure if you meet these requirements, you can check by going to Facebook’s Creator Studio and choosing Monetization.

How to Configure Facebook Subscriptions To Generate Income From Facebook Views…

Congratulations if you satisfy the above criteria, but this method of monetizing your views is not yet ready for you. Prior to beginning to make money from your Facebook subscribers, there are still a few technical requirements that you must comprehend and implement.

If you have an eligible page, simply follow the processes below to set up subscriptions on your Facebook page:

  • Head straight to the Creator Studio
  • Select the page you wish to enable subscriptions, and click Start Setup
  • Read through, understand, and agree to the Terms & Conditions
  • Create a payment account. Here you can link an existing bank or PayPal account to your Facebook page
  • Determine which benefits your subscribers will receive
  • Set the subscription price which can be any amount but I advise you to start low and increase it accordingly
  • You will be notified of your request for approval
  • The last step is to click Activate Subscriptions

Setting the benefits your subscribers will receive is required for Fans Subscription. The choice of what benefits your subscribers receive is ultimately up to you, but by default, they will all receive supporter badges. This undoubtedly needs to be alluring enough to persuade the audience to pay.

I’ve learned over time that it’s always a smart move to do extensive research and develop a plan. Whatever the case, your model should start with a fusion of content and engagement growth before moving on to subscription activation.

You don’t want your subscribers to be dissatisfied with the type of exclusive content they receive after spending their hard-earned money with you, I assure you.

Branded Content

Publishing content that your business partners have an influence over is another way to earn money.

Becoming a Brand Collaborations Manager is an additional method you can use to monetize your Facebook views. This new monetization strategy was introduced by Facebook as a way to link corporations or brands with powerful content producers.

As both of these functions are performed, in my opinion, this is just another way of saying influencer marketing. Having said that, as a brand collaboration manager, brands will pay you to produce promotional content for their goods and services to your audience.

Finding and securing a brand deal is an ethical way to use your Facebook views to generate income if your content commands authority in your niche.

Technically, any creator can register for the Brand Collabs Manager, but there are some requirements that must be met. Also, it’s important.

Here’s How It Operates

Like the popular saying, “it takes two to tango” so is using this technique to earn money from Facebook views. For you to earn, there must be a brand willing to partner with you; therefore, the full cycle of Brand Collabs Manager requires the advertiser and the creator (which is you):

  • Advertisers

Advertisers are businesses that want to spread the word about their goods and services. Brand Collabs Manager is a straightforward method for advertisers to get their products in front of the appropriate market.

Choosing the right content creator is still the responsibility of the advertiser, as straightforward as that may sound. It is a problem in and of itself that there are too many creators.

The screening process for content creators is rigorous, so you can be sure that every participant in the program is a leader in their field.

So you can be confident that the creator you choose will be a reputable one with a sizable enough fan base to be worthy of representing your brand.

Insights data that provides information on the effectiveness of each branded video a creator has posted is also available to you as an advertiser.

This program is a great way to expand your audience and present your company to customers who are interested in what you have to offer.

  • Creators

You want to work as a creator for the Brand Collabs Manager. To become a member of this program as a content creator you will at least need a Facebook page.

It’s important to know that you cannot sign up with a personal Facebook profile, regardless of how many friends or followers you have. That said, you will need to meet the following conditions to be eligible for video views monetization:

  • Be in compliance with the previously mentioned policies.
  • Obtain at least 1,000 followers.
  • have 15,000 post interactions.
  • 3,000 hours of watch time in the previous 60 days is a requirement.
  • three-minute videos must have received at least 30,000 one-minute views in the last 60 days.
  • To submit a page for monetization, you must be the page administrator.
  • reside in a nation that is permitted to use Brand Collabs Manager.

You are eligible for the program once you satisfy the aforementioned requirements. Join the program to raise your stats and sign up. A brand will eventually contact you, but it takes time to become known.

The best part of this is that you can decide your rate and begin making money from Facebook video views right away.


Your ability to monetize your videos is aided by stars. Users can buy and send stars to your video using this technique.

Paid Online Events

Hosting an online event on Facebook is another way to earn money.

How to Check Your Monetization Status on Facebook

Of course, it is best to check it out if you believe you should be qualified for video monetization. By doing this, you can position your page better for increased financial value.

To find out if you are eligible to get paid for your videos viewed, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Creator Studio.
  2. At the left of the page review menu, you will find “Monetization”. To determine your eligibility, click on it.

How Much Does Facebook Pay for Views FAQs

How Can I Calculate My Facebook Earnings?

The calculation doesn’t have to be done by you because it might be challenging. Instead, use Facebook’s approximation of earnings insight to determine your current income. To do this:

  1. Proceed to Creator Studio
  2. Click on “Insights”.
  3. Then, click on “Earnings” to check your earnings.

How Much Does Facebook Pay for 1000 Views?

Each video and each page’s earnings per 1000 views may vary. However, according to a standard statistic provided by Social Media Examiner, you can make about $8 for every 1000 views.

Can I Get Monetized for Likes on Facebook?

Facebook likes cannot currently be used for financial gain. On Facebook, it might be harder to get paid for page likes.

This is due to the ease with which people can fake likes.


Remember that no two videos on Facebook earn at the same rate, regardless of whether they originate from the same Facebook page.

This means that it is impossible to determine a standard direct response of how much can be made per video view.

It’s important to pay attention to factors that will position your Facebook page and videos better if you’re a user who wants to monetize your Facebook page and videos.

Maintaining genuine content on your page is one of these details.