8 Useful Tips to Increase Push Notification Subscribers

Nowadays, push notifications are viewed as intrusive and upsetting by many people. The real problem, however, is not pushing messaging. Instead, it’s the improper use of push marketing that tempts users to stop receiving messages and, in the worst-case scenario, uninstall the app permanently.

More devoted users may be retained and converted with the help of push. There are 42% of users who wish to receive push notifications on their mobile phones, which companies or brands can take advantage of the overall strategy.

Before we move ahead and see the tactics to increase push notification subscribers it’s important to briefly learn what are push notifications and what is a good opt-in rate.

What Are Push Notifications?

Pop-up messages known as “push notifications” are delivered to mobile devices and browsers. These are brief notifications, reminders, or any other messages sent to users.

Types of Push Notifications

There are four types of push notifications:

  1. Web App Notifications
  2. Mobile App Push Notifications
  3. Desktop Push Notifications
  4. Wearables Push Notifications

Let’s move forward to understand how to increase push notification subscribers.

What’s a Good Opt-In Rate?

To put it simply, a good opt-in rate doesn’t exist. This metric is significantly impacted by 2 key variables.

1. The platform type

Android has a much higher opt-in rate for automatic push notifications, which is between 90 and 95 percent. where the typical iOS opt-in rate is around 50%.

2. The industry

Additionally, it differs by industry and is based on user behavior patterns. The rates are much higher for apps related to travel, e-commerce, media, and social media. applications for B2B, finance, or gaming.

Why is this the case? In some cases, push notifications becomes an essential component of the user experience, leaving users with no choice but to opt-in.‌

For example,

  • Travel apps users need to know if their flight was canceled or a taxi arrived;
  • News lovers would like to be one of the first to know the breaking news and updates regarding important events;
  • Users of social media want to know when they have new messages or missed important calls.

Other times, despite appearing to be equally valuable, users may not understand the need to subscribe to push notifications.

7 Best Tactics to Increase Push Notification Subscribers

These tactics will help your customers to stay longer and boost them to do the actions that you want them to take:

1. Timing is Crucial

Before requesting permission to send push notifications when a visitor first accesses the website, it’s crucial to give them some time. Before deciding to take any action or establish contact with the store, give them a few seconds to browse the website and get a better understanding of your business and your products.

You can easily add a delay and customize the browser prompt’s timer so that it appears a short while after the buyer lands.

2. Give Incentives to Make Them Subscribe to Notifications

The majority of retailers employ this strategy and offer incentives to encourage customers to sign up for their push notifications. These incentives differ from getting a gift with their next order to providing them with a 20% discount on their next purchase. You can give your visitors a strong reason to subscribe by making a compelling offer.

This incentive can be provided by using the flyout widget or the overlay that appears alongside the browser prompt. Even if you want to give subscribers a discount, you can do so by including a coupon code in your welcome email. A notification containing the discount code will be sent to subscribers in this manner, forcing them to use their reward right away.

3. Build a Referral Within Your Welcome Push Notification

You can send a welcome push notification to a store visitor after they sign up for your push notifications. By providing these new subscribers with a referral link, you can really capitalize on this opportunity.

A referral can ensure that your current subscribers drive more new customers to your store and increase your chances of acquiring a new push notification subscriber, even though it won’t immediately increase your subscriber count.

4. Establish Back in Stock Alerts Via Push Notifications

Many customers who are just browsing your store may not want to receive push notifications. However, if a product that piques their interest is out of stock, they would be willing to sign up for alerts. The Back in Stock option becomes relevant in this situation.

Set up the Back in Stock automation to let customers purchase a product that interests them. Additionally, you can attract visitors who had no intention of subscribing by doing this.

5. Put Price Drop Alerts With Push Notifications

Similar to items that are out of stock, some people who are just browsing might be interested in buying something when the price drops. You can guarantee a future order from the subscriber and have the opportunity to send them promotions for your store by giving them the choice to sign up for alerts.

6. Re-engage Visitors Who Don’t Approve Your Push Notifications With Flyout Widgets

The majority of customers entering a store are anticipated to dismiss the browser prompt or click “Block” as soon as it appears. However, you must make sure your store can re-engage these customers and get them to sign up for your notifications. You can do that by using the flyout widget.

You can display an alluring offer to visitors using the flyout widget, a tiny flag that appears on the bottom left of your store. This widget can be altered to include a potent message. As a result, it ranks as one of the best strategies for increasing push notification subscribers.

7. Avoid Unsubscribes by Sending Appropriate Notifications Without Spamming Them

Maintaining your current subscribers is a consideration when growing your subscriber list. Existing subscribers frequently choose not to receive push notifications because the website may be sending too many or pointless advertisements. You must now be wondering how many notifications are excessive. How many notifications you should send each week is difficult to predict without a concrete benchmark. Many websites end up spamming their subscribers and lose them as a result of not figuring out the proper frequency.

It’s crucial to deliver the appropriate number of web push notifications and to keep those notifications current and pertinent. Set an expiration date for your time-sensitive push campaigns using the “Flash Sale” feature. By doing this, you’ll be able to keep your subscribers from receiving push notifications after the sale is over.

Push Notification

8. Personalize Your Pre-permission Screens With Custom Tags and Filters‌‌

  • Create different messages for different segments

Depending on factors like age, language, location, and traffic source, your audience may be broken up into different groups. Here are 4 types of segments you can create, depending on your goals:

  • Social (income, job role, etc)
  • Demographic (age, gender, language, etc)
  • Geographic (country, city, specific area, etc)
  • Behavioral (time spent in the app, purchase history, email open, etc )
  • Use dynamic content

‌‌What if I told you that even the most basic personalization can boost your push CTR by 9%? Make it clear to your users that you value and know them. Use the Pushwoosh default Tags to address your users by name, and tailor the message to each user’s preferences using their preferences.

Why Should You Care About Growing Your Subscriber List?

Higher push opt-ins translate into quantifiable advantages for your app. Your app’s engagement and retention metrics may be impacted if you can’t get users to opt-in at an early touchpoint or if you lose subscribers over time.

Losing subscribers also entails losing a direct channel of communication that can be used for various tasks throughout the user lifecycle.

Here are some of the main justifications you should consider expanding your subscriber list, in case you haven’t already.

Leverage a Real-Time Channel

Push notifications, which can deliver real-time updates, transactional messages, reminders, and more, are received immediately. Users who are not subscribers will be missing out on all of this important data.

Increase Retention

There are measurable increases in retention when you use push as a channel and sign up your users. For instance, BetterMe, a fitness and health app, saw a 22 percent increase in app retention after implementing push notifications.

Enhance the App Experience

Push notifications enable users to quickly return to your app with fewer clicks than more conventional communication methods like email because they are viewed more quickly. A seamless reengagement mechanism for your app can be created by getting users to subscribe to push.

Wrap-up: Grow Your List of Web Push Notification Subscribers!

You can quickly increase the number of subscribers you have and make the most of your carefully planned push notification campaigns by improving how your customers see your opt-in, giving them reasons to subscribe, and providing more opportunities to get customers to opt-in.


What Percentage of Users Allow Push Notifications?

According to the 2021 Push Notification Benchmark report from Airship, opt-in rates for app push notifications on Android devices range from 49% to 95%, with a medium of 81%. On iOS devices, this figure varies from 29% to 73%, with a medium of 51%.

How Do I Increase My Notification Open Rate?

Push notification opening rate can be improved by using emojis (20%), industry-specific send times (40%), rich formats (25%), personalization (4x), and advanced targeting (3x).

What is the Best Time to Send a Push Notification?

Send your notifications before/after other apps/websites

  • from seven until nine in the morning.
  • Midday, from 12 to 2 PM, during the lunch hour.
  • from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM in the early evening.