What Is Offerwall? An Ultimate Explanation

The offerwall ad format is a distinctive way to monetize your mobile game with ads. Users can carry out tasks in exchange for rewards—most frequently, hard in-game currency—by using this system. Businesses can increase app revenue and increase user retention and engagement by using offerwall. We’ll give you an overview of the Offerwall in this article. Please keep reading.

What Is An Offerwall?

An offerwall is one way to monetize your website, mobile application, and digital content.

With this advertising platform, you can make money off of your app or website because you are compensated each time a user completes an offer. In addition, the user receives virtual benefits that delight them and encourage them to return for more.

Do you know how sometimes you need an extra life in Candy Crush or a hint in Bejeweled Classic? And if you just watch a video, complete a survey, or register your name, the game/app will entice you with a way to get it. So you are aware of what an offerwall is.

Offerwalls aren’t just for free app users, but the majority of people who interact with them never upgrade to a paid version of the app.

Even though it might seem like a bummer, this illustrates how developers can use offerwalls to generate potential revenue through engagement and rewards.

How Does A Wall Of Offers Work?

Offerwalls function as a marketplace for users and advertisers, similar to an in-app mini-store. Offerwall advertisements are typically placed in high-traffic areas, such as the app’s menu or store, or they appear at opportune moments for a user to redeem the rewards, such as when they require a hint or an additional life.

Here are a few examples of actions users can choose:

  • Watch a video
  • Take a survey
  • Complete a level
  • Start a premium trial
  • Level up a subscription
  • Make a purchase
  • Play a branded mini-game
  • Create an account or register a username

Incentives can include:

  • One or more lives
  • In-app currency
  • Points
  • Hints
  • Time limit extension
  • Streak extension
  • Temporary premium benefits or features
  • A temporary ad-free experience

Remember that there are different offers available for iOS and Android.

Advantages Of Using Offerwalls

The lifespan of your mobile game can be greatly increased with the use of offerwalls. They accomplish this by enticing players to keep playing even after they’ve finished all the levels or unlocked all the content.


The limited trials of IAP features can also be used by developers to give players a taste of the premium experience. Finally, providing users with the option to actively engage with advertisements creates a compelling user experience.

Seamless Integration With The Gameplay Experience

Offerwalls enable you to seamlessly integrate ad content with the gameplay, enhancing the effectiveness of your mobile game marketing. Users are more likely to engage with an advertisement if they can easily complete tasks in exchange for rewards. With the help of offerwalls, advertisers can reach high-value users who are motivated to interact with ads and are interested in doing so.

Monetize Non-spenders

Through the monetization of inactive players, offerwalls give developers the opportunity to maximize player value. They have a lower propensity to make in-app purchases, but they are more likely to interact with the advertisement in exchange for a worthwhile reward.

Improves User Retention

By giving users daily tasks to complete and keeping them engaged, offerwalls assist developers in extending users’ average session length and enhancing their app usage. Offerwalls also give players a way to stay in the game in exchange for doing something.

Disadvantages Of Using Offerwalls

Some of the most common challenges also include:

In-app Purchase Cannibalization

Developers must exercise caution when providing too many incentives for in-app purchases. IAPs may become cannibalized as a result, making it difficult to sustain an economy. Finding the right amount of rewards to distribute while avoiding handing out too many cheap ones is crucial. A/B tests or a method of trial and error may be necessary in some cases.

Low Revenue Potential On Ios

Engagement proposals are not permitted on iOS devices due to Apple policy limitations. As a result, the majority of the offers you would typically see in the offerwall are essentially unavailable on iOS, greatly reducing the potential revenue from the offerwall.

How Can Offerwall Ads Be Optimized?

It will take a lot of A/B testing, optimization, and customization to increase your mobile offerwall revenue. The payoff, however, might be well worth the effort. The best offerwall techniques are listed below.

Setting An Appropriate Exchange Rate

The number of units of virtual money (coins, gold, etc.) is represented by an exchange rate as a number.) you will give to your users for every $1 that you make on the offerwall.

There is complete freedom for developers to customize this exchange rate. You should exercise caution, though. Users won’t have any offers to complete because setting a strict exchange rate will eliminate the majority of offers. Low profits for developers will result from this.

On the other hand, if you set up your exchange rate generously, users will see and accept many offers, which could have a negative effect on IAP revenue. So the real trick is finding the best exchange rate

Offerwall Special Promotions

The revenue from your offerwall can be increased by setting up special promotions, also known as currency sales or double-credit promotions. Developers typically alter the exchange rate over the weekend (Friday through Monday) by making it two times or more generous.

The users’ awareness of this sale event can increase engagement rates, awareness, and revenue if this information is shared with them. This can have a positive effect over the long term in addition to the immediate increase in revenue. The possibility of earning rewards through the offerwall will become more widely known to users.

Developers typically schedule these sales occasions around significant holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.

Segmentation And Customization

Following the creation of a fundamental framework, you can begin optimizing for increased revenue. For instance, you could adjust the exchange rate for various user groups or nations. Another choice is to make certain player types more aware of the offerwall.

How Much Money Can An Offerwall Make?

Rewarded ads are popular with mobile gamers. They even rely on them. A study by Tapjoy found that 45% of players said they would stop playing a game if they ran out of in-game currency if the offerwall were removed.

The same study indicates that offerwalls can have an average eCPM of $400 across various categories and an eCPM as high as $1500 depending on the device and location.

On Android, the daily monetization rates for a single offerwall user range between $0.07 and $0.33, with an average of $0.20 across various genres in the US.