What Is User Engagement? How To Measure It?

A key KPI for a more successful business is increasing and maintaining user engagement with your product. Users who are actively engaged tend to be content. Their participation demonstrates the utility of your product and is a surefire indication you’re on the right track to keep your existing customers, who are more likely to recommend you to others.

How often and how long users interact with your website or application is measured by user engagement. This metric reveals whether your audience values the offers you make, whether they be goods or services. Companies monitor user interactions like clicks, downloads, and shares to gauge engagement.

We can answer your questions about user engagement and how to increase it.

What Is User Engagement?

Simply put, user engagement refers to how frequently and how long a user interacts with your application. User engagement, then, refers to the extent to which users interact with your app in the context of mobile devices.

The definition, however, varies from mobile app category to category. So, every interaction a user has with your mobile app directly affects how engaged users are with it. Users’ reactions to your product or service delivered through the app are typically evaluated when you check user engagement metrics for apps.

Engagement can take the form of a download, payment, registration, subscription, or any other action on your app. However, if you’re looking for the ideal mobile engagement metrics, you should be aware that they do not exist.

How Important Is User Engagement?

This metric is important because people interact with things that interest them. A person’s investment in a product increases with the amount of time they spend using it.

As a result of the user’s increased recognition and sense of connection with your brand, more monetization opportunities are created when your visitors are invested in your good or service. A measure of a product or service’s success or failure is user engagement.

Simply put: Users are more likely to value and interact with your product if you want them to buy it and tell others about it.

User Engagement Models

The metrics in your user engagement model need to be changed to reflect the kind of website you have. The metrics you should use can be determined once you’ve decided which engagement model is best for your website.

Content-rich Websites

Focus on user engagement and loyalty if your website has a lot of content, like a media outlet, news website, or publisher. Increasing the amount of time users spend on the site, the number of pages they view, and the return rate in particular In order to keep users on their websites as long and frequently as possible, content-rich websites may find it useful to monitor these metrics.

E-commerce Sites

The goal of commerce websites, on the other hand, should be to move visitors through their on-site sales funnel. Analyze the usability data, such as the percentage of shopping carts that are abandoned and the number of page views. Verify whether users can find the information they are looking for or if they leave the site early in the sales process.

Specialized Sales Sites

what is user engagement

Focus on the conversion if you are an expert at selling a particular product. Your efforts to engage visitors should focus on promoting conversions once they arrive. To determine whether you are on track, look at the conversion rates and time spent on the site.

How To Measure User Engagement?

Let’s say you recently debuted your trading app for mobile devices. You attracted a lot of interest; people wrote about your app, and thousands of people downloaded and registered with it. The response has you feeling overloaded. People lose interest, interact less, and uninstall your app as things gradually start to change for it. Once more, you lack motivation.

User engagement therefore predicts whether your app will succeed or fail given the ongoing competition of the digital market. It has a direct impact on your company’s overall profitability, reputation, and level of trust.

You must first determine the metrics that are important to your company before you can determine the precise mobile app engagement metrics you should focus on for the app stickiness benchmark.

To identify and improve mobile apps to increase user engagement, experts have defined specific engagement metrics. The following section discusses some of the top metrics for gauging user engagement.

You can measure user engagement using a variety of metrics, which will help you increase customer engagement overall. Here are a few metrics for user behavior that all products should take into account.

Active Time In-app

What is the average amount of time that users spend actively using your app or product? Ideally, you want to measure this over a certain amount of time to determine what’s a healthy time for a user to spend in your app, and what’s a healthy amount of clicks that determines they know what they’re doing.

A user who clicks excessively might not know what they’re doing and might be doing so out of frustration or ignorance. It is possible that a user is inactive if they spend too much time on your platform with few clicks. Recordings of screen sessions can be used to strike the ideal balance.

Net Promoter Score

The results of NPS surveys are a great sign that users are satisfied with your product. Participating in an NPS survey, assuming the results are equally positive, is a sign of positive product engagement in and of itself.

User Retention Rate

As a great sign of increased user engagement, your tool’s user retention rates should be rising. Users who are more interested in your brand and product tend to stick around longer.

“User retention is one of the key metrics to show that your engagement strategy is effective. Additionally, it shows that you have achieved product-market fit and that there is a demand for your product.”

– Mike Yudin, Head of Product at Pushwoosh

Your engagement rate is likely to increase if your user retention rate does. Without the other, the first does not occur.

Core Feature Use

Use of or interaction with core features is a KPI that demonstrates that your users are aware of how your product functions and are reaping its benefits. You know your product sales strategy and onboarding recipe is working if you’re seeing a lot of clicks around the feature a user signed up for.

You will need to monitor a number of customer engagement metrics that are highly specialized to your product and its features. You could track these manually, or you could use product analytics tools to streamline your process.

what is user engagement

You’re ready to start methodically looking for ways to improve your results once you’ve identified the user engagement metrics that are specific to your product and compared them to some more widely used metrics.

Best Tools To Track User Engagement

The right tools should be selected to monitor user engagement. Following is the list of top-notch analytics, in-app communication, user feedback, notifications, and survey tracking tools:

  • Amplitude is a cross-platform tool that provides insights into user behavior.
  • Mixpanel: Monitors and examines app user interaction.
  • AppDynamics is a tool that offers solutions for activity tracking, monitoring, and mapping.
  • Analytics for application engagement, email tracking, and segmentation are all available through Hubspot.
  • Access to thorough data, including competitors.

Common Mistakes About In-app Engagement

You should be aware of the don’ts now that you are familiar with the dos. Following are the mistakes that are common and lead to a huge fall in user engagement:

  • a protracted onboarding process.
  • not explaining how the app will make users’ lives easier.
  • misunderstanding precisely what your users want and need.
  • not understanding how crucial creativity is to engaging users.
  • failure to timely communicate with your users.
  • not composing user-specific messages.
  • Dropping too many messages to the users


In order to confidently optimize your own user engagement strategy, hopefully this article has provided some insight into how to raise user engagement. Overall, a mobile app owner’s bread and butter is none other than user engagement. Most people have between 60 and 90 apps on their own, of which only 10 to 12 percent are regularly used. Your app may join the 10% of apps used daily if the aforementioned advice is properly followed.